Mediating Social Challenges: Art, Storytelling & Teaching Practices
This conference aims at reflecting on art, literature, storytelling, and digital methods as means to mediate our social challenges in teaching practices and to challenge normative perceptions of identity, while also promoting students’ multiliteracy skills. It is organized by the Center for Inter-American Studies of the University of Graz as part of the DigLit Eramus+ project and the KinderKunstHochschule Steiermark.
Click for more information on keynote speakers
May 5 – 6, 2023
University of Graz
Heinrichstraße 36, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
Friday, May 5, 2023
Time | Location | |
8.30-9.00 | Registration | |
9.00-10.30 | Conference Opening Mireilla van Poppel (Vice Rector for Internationalization and Equal Opportunities University of Graz) Roberta Maierhofer (Conference Organizer, University of Graz) Keynote I: Chair: Nicole Haring How can the Filmmaking, Poetry and Artwork of Multilingual Digital Storytelling Create Spaces for Activist Citizenship, Stories of Hope and Resilience, and Multilingual Literacy? Vicky Macleroy (Goldsmith University London, UK) | Heinrichstr. 36 11.01 |
10.30-11.00 | Coffee Break | Heinrichstr. 36 |
11.00-12.45 | Panel I: Digital Storytelling Chair: Julie Prochinig Digital Storytelling as Transgressive Pedagogy: Promoting Students’ Multiliteracy Skills in Translator and Interpreter Education Claus Michael Hutterer and Stefan Baumgarten (University of Graz, Austria) Using Digital Storytelling in EFL Teacher Education at the University of Pécs Réka Lugossy and Mónika Fodor (University of Pécs, Hungary) “Stop comparing yourself to a wrong stereotype”: Taking action in the ELT classroom through combining Young Adult Literature with Digital Storytelling Fabiana Fazzi, Marcella Menegale, Carmel Mary Coonan, Maria Elisa Fina, Elisa Da Lio, Sofia Guzzon (Ca’Foscari University Venice, Italy) Intergenerational Digital Storytelling with Educators – A Feminist Approach Nicole Haring (University of Graz, Austria) | Heinrichstr. 36 11.01 |
12.45-13.30 | Lunch | Heinrichstr. 36 |
13.30-15.00 | Panel II: Storytelling & Museums Chair: Mirna Cobanovic Whose (hi)story is it anyway? – Using Digital Storytelling to Diversify Representation in the Museum Julia Baier (University of Graz, Austria) Developing Critical Literacy Skills through Stories and Exhibitions Nóra Wünsch-Nagy (University of Pécs, Hungary) Migrant Students’ Translingual Podcasts across the Classroom and the Museum: Benefits and Challenges Claudia Meneghetti and Fabiana Fazzi (Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Italy) | Heinrichstr. 36 11.01 |
15.00-15.30 | Coffee Break | Heinrichstr. 36 |
15.30-16.30 | Keynote II: Chair: Nicole Haring Visible, Invisible Women in Higher Education Victoria Showunmi (University College London, UK) | Heinrichstr. 36 11.01 |
16.30-18.15 | Panel III: Young Adult Literature & Reading Practices Chair: Nicole Haring Balancing Facts and Fiction in Climate Change Literature for Young Adults Andrea Färber (University of Graz, Austria) The Narrative Re-Creation Model: A Multimodal Approach to Inter- and Transcultural Literary Learning Nina Reibenschuh (University of Graz, Austria) Young Adult Literature in the EFL Classroom: Designing a Digital Social Reading Project with Actively Learn Sofia Guzzon (Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Italy) The Role of Interactive Books in the Development of Reading and Reading Comprehension Emőke Varga and Gabriella Daróczi (University of Szeged, Hungary) | Heinrichstr. 36 11.01 |
19.00 | Mayor´s Reception | City Hall Graz |
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Time | Location | |
8.30-9.00 | Coffee Break | Heinrichstr. 36 |
9.00-10.00 | Keynote III: Chair: Nicole Haring Researching Pedagogically for Social Intervention: The “Gender-Response-able Literary and Visual Labs (ResLab)” In the Context of Feminist Transnational Networks Adelina Sanchez (University of Granada, Spain) | Heinrichstr. 36 11.01 |
10.00-11.30 | Panel IV: Combating Inequalities in the Classroom Chair: Anamari Slemensek Shame, Fear and the Feeling of Not-Belonging: Reflecting on Class and Classism through Storytelling Iris Mendel and Lisa Scheer (University of Graz, Austria) Teaching Empathy with the Social Justice Graphic Narrative: Strategic Narrative Empathy and Overcoming Borders in the Classroom Marie Dücker (University of Graz, Austria) Urban Pedagogy Jorge Eliecer Chaparro Marino (University of Bielefeld, Germany) | Heinrichstr. 36 11.01 |
11.30-12.00 | Coffee Break | Heinrichstr. 36 |
12.00-13.45 | Panel V: Mediating Social Challenges in American Society Chair: Julie Prochinig Beauty is a Beast: Mediating Body Pedagogy through Disney Lisa Buchegger (University of Graz, Austria) ‘Wealth’ and ‘Money’ as a Representative Symbol of the American Society – A Critical Review of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Selected Novels Fatmir Ramadani (AAB College Prishtina, Kosovo) Passage and Moodle: Humanizing the Plight of Haitian Migrants in The Bahamas in the University Classroom Saskia Fürst (University of The Bahamas, Bahamas) Fostering Cultural Diversity and Critical Thinking through Socially Conscious Art History Pedagogy Vanessa S. Troiano (City University New York, USA) Closing of Conference | Heinrichstr. 36 11.01 |
13.45-14.45 | Lunch | Heinrichstr. 36 |
15.30-17.00 | Graz Museum Tour | Graz Museum |
17.00 | Drinks and Dinner (at own expenses) |