On Thursday, April 27th, 2023, school TronZanella in Venice, Italy recently hosted a successful DigLit multiplier event, with almost 100 attendees, including 40 students, teachers, administration staff, DigLit team members from Cà Foscari University of Venice and nearly 50 individuals who are not direct members of the school or the DigLit team.
During the event, the DigLit team presented and reflected on the steps of the project and the students themselves then introduced and commentated the digital stories they created. Students were given a present, a voucher to buy books and the event culminated in a buffet.
The event was a true testament to the hard work and dedication of the students and team. We congratulate all students on their work and thank all visitors for coming!
Website der Schule: https://www.tronzanella.edu.it/
This article was originally published here: https://diglit.narrativedidactics.org/diglit-multiplier-event-at-tronzanella-venice-italy/