This conference aims at reflecting on art, literature, storytelling, and digital methods as means to mediate our social challenges in teaching practices and to challenge normative perceptions
of identity, while also promoting students’ multiliteracy skills. It is organized by the Center for Inter-American Studies of the University of Graz as part of the DigLit Eramus+ project and the KinderKunstHochschule Steiermark.
May 5 – 6, 2023
University of Graz
Heinrichstraße 36, 8010 Graz
Vicky Macleroy (Goldsmith University London, UK)
Adelina Sánchez (University of Granada, Spain)
Victoria Showunmi (University College London, UK)

Adelina Sánchez Espinosa (University of Granada, Spain) is senior Lecturer at the University of Granada and Scientific Coordinator of GEMMA: Erasmus Mundus Master and Consortium in Women’s and Gender Studies; PI for the “Reception, modes and gender” Andalusian Research Group and the “Gender Responsible Lecturing Labs: Interfacing cultural and visual cultures” Andalusian Research Project of Excellence; UGR PI for H2020 MSCA EUTERPE Project (EUTERPE: European Literatures and Gender in Transnational Perspective” ) and a Horizon Chanse project: DIGISCREENS Identities and Democratic values on European digital screens: Distribution, reception and representation. She is Series Editor of the Researching with GEMMA collection (Peter Lang) She was the Vice-President of AOIFE (Association of Institutions for Feminist Research and Education in Europe); Director of International Relations for the UGR, Executive Secretary of the UGR Women’s Studies Research Institute and Series Editor for the UGR “FEMINAE” Book collection. Some of her latest publications are: “Feminist Counter-Cinema and Decolonial Countervisuality: Un’ora sola ti vorrei and Pays Barbare” (with Calderón Sandoval, Studies in Documentary Film, 2021); Seeking Eccentricity. Special Issue for Sociology and Technoscience Journal and Feminist Research Alliances: Affective Convergences (Peter Lang, 2022)

Adelina Sánchez Espinosa (University of Granada, Spain) is senior Lecturer at the University of Granada and Scientific Coordinator of GEMMA: Erasmus Mundus Master and Consortium in Women’s and Gender Studies; PI for the “Reception, modes and gender” Andalusian Research Group and the “Gender Responsible Lecturing Labs: Interfacing cultural and visual cultures” Andalusian Research Project of Excellence; UGR PI for H2020 MSCA EUTERPE Project (EUTERPE: European Literatures and Gender in Transnational Perspective” ) and a Horizon Chanse project: DIGISCREENS Identities and Democratic values on European digital screens: Distribution, reception and representation. She is Series Editor of the Researching with GEMMA collection (Peter Lang) She was the Vice-President of AOIFE (Association of Institutions for Feminist Research and Education in Europe); Director of International Relations for the UGR, Executive Secretary of the UGR Women’s Studies Research Institute and Series Editor for the UGR “FEMINAE” Book collection. Some of her latest publications are: “Feminist Counter-Cinema and Decolonial Countervisuality: Un’ora sola ti vorrei and Pays Barbare” (with Calderón Sandoval, Studies in Documentary Film, 2021); Seeking Eccentricity. Special Issue for Sociology and Technoscience Journal and Feminist Research Alliances: Affective Convergences (Peter Lang, 2022)

Victoria Showunmi (University College London, UK) has developed a national and international reputation for her work on identity and leadership. The emerging themes of are gender identity and race in the context of leadership, and the implications for the experiences of learners and educators, as well as young Black women’s experiences of education in the context of their well-being. She has been the principal and co-principal investigator for five research projects: the UK WomenKind project, BELMAS; Coaching and Mentoring, Gender and Leadership in Higher Education in Pakistan, and Black Girls/Young Black women’s experiences in education. These projects have led to publications in peer-reviewed journals such as EMAG and Curriculum Inquiry and “The Role of the ‘Black Girls Club’ Challenging the Status Quo Feminist Pedagogy, Practice and Activism”. She is also currently co-authoring a book with Carol Tomlin entitled: Managing Everyday Racism (Lexington Rowman & Littlefield) and an edited book –The Bloomsbury Gender Handbook on Educational leadership and Management (Bloomsbury).
Original post published here: https://diglit.narrativedidactics.org/conference-mediating-social-challenges-art-storytelling-teaching-practices-may-5-6-2023-graz/