On June 28, 2022, the University of Graz hosted a multiplier event at the Council of Europe’s European Centre for Foreign Languages (ECML) as part of the Erasmus+ project DigLit. DigLit is an educational project funded by the EU. The aim of the project is to raise awareness of students in terms of equality and cultural aspects and to strengthen their linguistic and digital skills, critical thinking and social competences.
Several school classes participated in the event: all students of grade 11 of BRG Körösi together with teachers Heidrun Lang-Heran and Isabella Hribernig as well as class 1B of HLW Feldbach with teacher Nina Reibenschuh. The following videos were produced by the students during the event:
Video 1: https://unitube.uni-graz.at/portal/aufzeichnungen.html?id=0ed02c2f-f335-44b8-b007-e1ad0906d5ac
Video 2: https://unitube.uni-graz.at/portal/aufzeichnungen.html?id=a399152a-a29c-48b8-b896-86319da3f78d
Video 3: https://unitube.uni-graz.at/portal/aufzeichnungen.html?id=6ef5762d-e6ae-41e7-959c-8e87b7f64e30
Video 4: https://unitube.uni-graz.at/portal/aufzeichnungen.html?id=bb5a3004-ade7-4f99-b24b-7f5a6c6cc9a7
Video 5: https://unitube.uni-graz.at/portal/aufzeichnungen.html?id=c04b654e-a4f1-451e-a683-b390ad66c38e
Video 6: https://unitube.uni-graz.at/portal/aufzeichnungen.html?id=0ed02c2f-f335-44b8-b007-e1ad0906d5ac

The complete collection of all videos can be accessed via Uni Graz UNITUBE: