On 14 December 2020, Andreas Schuch conducted the virtual teacher training seminar Democracy 3 – Game-based learning und 21st century skills as part of the College of Teacher Education Styria teacher training program for the winter semester 2020/21.
In this training seminar, Andreas Schuch introduced teachers to the government simulation Democracy 3 by Positech Games and showed ways of integrating the game in various teaching contexts on the secondary educational level. The seminar addressed not only how teachers can use Democracy 3 to explore specific topics and develop competences, but also how this game-based teaching approach can help develop 21st century skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving abilities and information literacy in motivating and authentic ways.
Please contact us at for workshop or training course inquiries at your school, college or university regarding Democracy 3 and game-based learning approaches in general. Workshops can be held in presence or virtually.
Further information:
- Democracy 3 training course description (German): https://www.ph-online.ac.at/phst/wbLv.wbShowLVDetail?pStpSpNr=325288&pSpracheNr=1
- Official Democracy 3 website: http://positech.co.uk/democracy3/
- Further publication by Andreas Schuch on game-based learning:
Schuch, Andreas (2017). “Digital Games as a Means of Raising Awareness About Ageism and Gender Discrimination: Three Principles for Teachers and Game Developers”. In M. Romero, K. Sawchuk, J. Blat, S. Sayago & H. Ouellet (Eds.), Game-Based Learning Across the Lifespan: Cross-Generational and Age-Oriented Topics. Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41797-4_9. 131–150.