The Department of Translation Studies (ITAT) at the University of Graz has again used and further expanded upon the use of narrative methods and media in University teaching during the winter semester of 2021/22. Students have applied digital storytelling as well as other media forms in the following courses:
- Allgemein: Übersetzungswissenschaftliches Seminar (Teacher: Prof. Stefan Baumgarten)
- Ungarisch: Übersetzen für Gesellschaft und Kultur (HU-DE) (Teacher: Dr. Claus Michael Hutterer)
- Ungarisch: Translatorische Basiskompetenz I (HU-DE) (Teacher: Dr. Claus Michael Hutterer)
- Ungarisch: Analyse- und Übersetzungstechniken (HU-DE) (Teacher: Dr. Claus Michael Hutterer)
Deeper integration of narrative methods and digital technologies in University teaching are contributions to modernizing University teaching and reaching the digitization strategy laid out by the University of Graz for the humanities.
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